Sunday, September 25, 2011

My cat Zoey is bad Ass

So it is 3:25 in the morning on a Sunday, I am sitting here waiting for my iphone to update and finish syncing.
I hear a buzzing I look up........there is a stinking crane fly buzzing right above my desk.  Ugh I hate anything that flies.  They scare the bejeezus out of me.  But I try to be chill.  "Karen it is just a crane fly they can not hurt you just ignore it.  It can not kill you"
My heart is racing and I am not entirely succeeding in keeping my chill up.  I am seriously in danger of freaking out and screaming like a little girl, which of course would ruin my icee chill rep.

Zoey meanwhile is just sitting in the printer watching.  I keep touching her because I don't want her to jump on the top of the desk and knock stuff over.  I know she is eyeing this crane fly and wants to kill it.

The crane fly decides to fly at a lower altitude and it is buzzing around my desk lamp then it gets stuck behind the speaker.  When it come out it starts getting lower and lower.  Oh My Jesus Mac and Cheese it is like less then six inches from my head.  "stay chill stay chill"

Just as I am about to scream and run for protection.  Zoey all Karate kid style swipes out a paw catches the crane fly and eats it.  Looks at me definitely thinking "there you go this is how I roll you wussy" sits down and meows.

I pet her and think damn my cat is BAD ASS.  Thank god Zoey saved me from a meltdown.  I think she gets extra kitty treats.

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