Monday, May 3, 2010


I LOVE FANTASY, LOVE LOVE LOVE IT.  I get accused of being a nerd.  I especially love it when there are elves and magic and dragons involved in a story.  I especially have always loved Dragonlance Margerat Weis and Tracy Hickman.  Tracy Hickman has always been a favorite author of mine.  His fantasy tales and the worlds he creates are just beautiful.  I have read interviews with him as well and he doesn't sacrifice story or the bottom line and says that yes he created and wrote but it is the reader to makes the world open up.  So when I heard about his most beloved book  The Immortals  I was excited.  I thought wow this is going to be a high fantasy book. 

I was wrong.  This book while fiction and is probably considered science fiction, is not fantasy.  In the description he calls it  "A cautionary tale".  It has no magic no dragons and no make believe.  It is not a happily ever after story and it will make you cry.  It is not comfortable.  

Saying all that I ..........well I believe we all need to read it.  I loved it and it moved me to tears.  To me it was very poignant and spoke to things we all take for granted like basic human decency. 
It made me want to be a better person and helped me to see where I was blind before.

Everyone should try to find a copy and read it if you can't find a copy then to to the podcast section or itunes or and listen to the podcast that is performed by Tracy Hickman and his Wife Laura Hickman.  

The book gave me hope, it showed me no matter how down and out you are somehow something good will come of it, even if the ending isn't happy.  
I reminded me that you can't cast stones, and that everyone deserves to be helped and cared for.

So while I will probably never intentionally pick up another book that has social commentary in it, because I like my books to help me escape. I am Grateful that I found this book.

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